
7 Best Ideas for How to Make Money in Fortnite (2023)

Make Money in Fortnite

In the ever-evolving world of online gaming, Fortnite has emerged as a cultural phenomenon, captivating millions of players worldwide. Beyond being a source of entertainment, Fortnite has also presented unique opportunities for players to turn their passion into profit. If you’re wondering how to make money playing Fortnite, you’ve come to the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into various strategies and avenues that can help you not only enjoy the game but also fatten your wallet.

1. Competitive Fortnite Tournaments

One of the most lucrative ways to make money through Fortnite is by participating in competitive tournaments. Fortnite boasts a thriving competitive scene with countless tournaments taking place regularly. Many of these tournaments offer substantial cash prizes to skilled players. To get started:

Finding Tournaments

  • Keep an eye on Fortnite’s official website and social media channels for announcements about upcoming tournaments.
  • Explore third-party websites and platforms that host Fortnite competitions.

Practice, Practice, Practice

  • Invest time in honing your skills. Competitive Fortnite requires exceptional building, aiming, and decision-making abilities.
  • Consider hiring a coach or taking advantage of online tutorials to refine your gameplay.

Joining Teams

  • Many esports organizations recruit talented Fortnite players. Joining a team can provide financial stability and opportunities to compete at the highest level.

2. Content Creation and Streaming

Make Money In Fortnite (2023)

In the digital age, content creation and streaming have become viable career options, and Fortnite offers ample opportunities in this space. Here’s how to get started:

Start a YouTube Channel or Twitch Stream

  • Create engaging, high-quality content that showcases your Fortnite gameplay, tips, and tricks.
  • Interact with your audience through live streams and video comments.


  • Once you’ve built a following, you can monetize your content through ads, sponsorships, and merchandise sales.
  • Collaborate with brands and companies looking to tap into your audience.

3. Esports Organizations and Sponsorships

Top-tier Fortnite players often secure sponsorships from esports organizations and brands. To attract sponsors:

Build a Strong Online Presence

  • Maintain an active presence on social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram.
  • Engage with your followers and consistently share your achievements and content.

Network within the Fortnite Community

  • Attend gaming conventions and events to connect with industry professionals and potential sponsors.
  • Showcase your skills and achievements to stand out among the competition.

4. In-Game Item Trading

Fortnite’s in-game marketplace offers opportunities for savvy players to profit from item trading. Here’s how to get started:

Collect Rare Skins and Items

  • Keep an eye out for limited-time and exclusive skins or items that can appreciate in value.
  • Trade or sell these items to other players through reputable platforms.

Stay Informed

  • Follow Fortnite updates to predict potential item rarity changes or retirements.
  • Timing can be crucial when selling valuable in-game items.
Video Games

5. Coaching and Tutoring

If you excel at Fortnite and have a knack for teaching, coaching and tutoring can be a lucrative path. Here’s how to become a sought-after Fortnite coach:

Showcase Your Skills

  • Compile a portfolio of your Fortnite achievements and gameplay highlights.
  • Offer free introductory sessions to build a client base.

Market Yourself

  • Create a professional website or social media profiles to advertise your coaching services.
  • Collect and display testimonials from satisfied students.

6. Merchandise and Branding

Building a personal brand within the Fortnite community can open doors to merchandise sales. Here’s how to create a recognizable brand:

Design Unique Merchandise

  • Collaborate with graphic designers to create custom Fortnite-themed merchandise, such as clothing, accessories, or collectibles.
  • Market your products through social media and your content channels.

Community Engagement

  • Build a dedicated fanbase by fostering a sense of community among your followers.
  • Host giveaways, contests, and events to keep your audience engaged.

7. Game Testing and Reviews

With Fortnite’s constant updates and changes, game testers and reviewers are in demand. Offer your insights and opinions on the latest Fortnite updates through blogs, YouTube videos, or gaming forums. Game developers may pay for your feedback, making it a worthwhile endeavor.

In conclusion, making money playing Fortnite is indeed a possibility, but it requires dedication, skill, and a strategic approach. Whether you choose to compete in tournaments, become a content creator, secure sponsorships, engage in in-game item trading, offer coaching services, or build a brand, the key is to stay committed and continually improve your skills. Fortnite’s dynamic ecosystem offers a plethora of opportunities for those willing to invest their time and effort.

Check also : Is Fortnite Overrated ? Separating Hype from Reality.

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